Emirates Global Aluminium aiming to secure captive silicon metal requirements

News Analysis




Emirates Global Aluminium aiming to secure captive silicon metal requirements

Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) is planning to commission a captive silicon metal plant in the UAE to de-risk the company’s import reliance of its aluminium business.

EGA states that it consumes around 60ktpy of silicon metal that needs to be imported, largely being sourced from China. China is by far the largest producer of silicon metal, a key feedstock used to make aluminium alloys for the auto sector. Silicon metal is also a critical raw material for the solar industry where it is used in PV solar panels, an industry that has posted double-digit growth to become a major application for silicon metal.

EGA sees the silicon plant as a strategic opportunity to secure supply for its aluminium business. The plant would also be the first silicon metal plant in the UAE, and EGA has indicated synergies with supporting other domestic industries, specifically solar PV.

The silicon metal project itself comes with plans for a solar plant to help power the refining process. EGA already has one solar energy project at its plant to produce 40ktpy of green aluminium, which is being marketed as “CelestiAl”, and the company seems to be firing all cylinders to represent topical global issues of supply risk, decarbonisation and renewable energy all in one go.
